netDocShare Sync Admin app
User Guide – Web and Desktop
Please enter your Email ID. This information is required to validate your access and ensure proper licensing.
Before creating any sync jobs, the Global Admin must add the SharePoint Connection settings.
Users will not be able to create new sync jobs if Connection settings are not created
SharePoint Tenant - Enter the SharePoint Tenant Name
Tenant URL- Enter the Tenant URL
Username: Enter the Username
Password: Enter the Password
Click on Connect to establish SharePoint connection with the details
Fill in the following details
SharePoint Tenant - Enter the SharePoint Tenant Name
Tenant URL -Enter the Tenant URL
Client ID- Enter Client ID
Client Secret- Enter Client Secret
(Additional steps for acquiring the generate the Client ID and Client Secret ID details can be found within the "Click here” link in the modal)
Click on Connect to establish SharePoint connection with the details
Please note that for detailed instructions, refer to the Pre-Requisite and Installation guide.
Sync Admin/Global Admin Users can create the following sync job types in the netDocShare Sync Admin Portal:
The sync frequency interval is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring timely syncing of the updates.
The minimum value should be 30 sec
Move File – This feature is only applicable for the SharePoint to NetDocuments sync process. This option will permanently move a document or folder from SharePoint to NetDocuments based on the selected Move options
After the move, the file is removed from SharePoint and replaced with the NetDocuments file link
After the move, the file is removed from the SharePoint location and effectively moved to the NetDocuments location
The value of SharePoint documents created by users should sync to the NetDocuments Created By, Created, Modified By and Modified properties if the SharePoint documents are created by users who have access to the NetDocuments source. Otherwise, the NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created by and Modified By properties
The value of SharePoint documents Created and Modified values should sync to the NetDocuments Created and Date modified properties values if user select the Update time stamp as Yes
NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created by and Modified By properties The NetDocuments Created and Date Modified property values should be captured as the syncing file date
Copy Doc links
Apply Permissions:
Delete Sync
Rename Sync
Check-in and Check-out sync
Click “Create Job” on the left side panel or Click Add on Right Side Panel
The Create Job Page will be displayed
The following fields are displayed on the Create job page:
Once the sync job is created and a success message is displayed, the page should redirect to the Scheduled Job screen, where the Sync/Global admin user can create, edit, and delete existing jobs.
Users are able to view, edit, copy and delete Sync info: Users can view, edit, copy, and delete sync job information as needed."
The user can also stop the scheduled sync job: Users can stop any scheduled sync job from running.
Before creating any sync jobs, the Global Admin must add the Teams Connection settings.
Users will not be able to create new sync jobs if Connection settings are not created
User can also:
Teams and NetDocuments can be synchronized to allow users to seamlessly manage files and folders across both platforms. Users can sync files and folders in real time, ensuring that any change such as File updates, renaming, deleting, or adding new files/folder are immediately reflected in both systems. This integration enhances collaboration and ensures that users always have access to the latest versions of their documents.
Sync Admin/Global Admin Users can create the following sync job types in the netDocSync Admin Portal:
The sync frequency interval is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring timely syncing of the updates.
The minimum value should be 30 sec
Custom column mapping values are synchronized along with Documents in Teams and NetDocuments based on the sync type
If there are any changes in metadata values, they should be synchronized at specified frequency intervals in Teams and NetDocuments based on the sync type
Note: Only text, number, note, and Date Time data type columns are supported
Move File – This feature is only applicable for the Teams to NetDocuments sync process. This option will permanently move a document or folder from Teams to NetDocuments based on the selected Move options
After the move, the file is removed from Teams and replaced with the NetDocuments file link
After the move, the file is removed from the Teams location and effectively moved to the NetDocuments location
Update Date Time Stamp
The value of Teams documents created by users should sync to the NetDocuments Created By and Modified By properties if the Teams documents are created by users who have access to the NetDocuments source. Otherwise, the NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created By and Modified By properties
The value of Teams documents created and Modified values should sync to the NetDocuments Created and Date modified properties values if user select the Update time stamp as Yes
NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created By and Modified By properties The NetDocuments Created and Date Modified property values should be captured as the syncing file date
Copy Doc Links – This feature is only applicable for the NetDocuments to Teams sync process. It syncs the NetDocuments document links instead of the actual NetDocuments documents
Delete Sync
This feature is crucial for document management, helping to prevent discrepancies between Teams and NetDocuments synced documents and folders, and ensuring that deleted items remain inaccessible in other synced locations. If a user deletes files or folders from the source, they are automatically deleted from the synced destination location
The process of changing the name of a file/folder in Teams/NetDocuments location and ensuring that this change is reflected across all synchronized location
Check-in and Check-out states are essential for maintaining documents, especially in collaborative environments where multiple users interact with shared documents.
Synchronization reflects the current checkout status of the file
Click “Create Job” on the left side panel or Click Add on Right Side Panel
The Create Job Page will be displayed
How to Create a Teams-NetDocuments Bi-directional Sync Job
Before creating any sync jobs, the Global Admin must add the OneDrive Connection settings.
Users will not be able to create new sync jobs if Connection settings are not created
OneDrive Tenant - Enter the OneDrive Tenant Name
Tenant ID- Generate the Tenant Id using Azure App Registration Service
Client ID- Enter Client ID
Client Secret- Enter Client Secret
(Additional steps for acquiring the generate the Client ID and Client Secret ID details can be found within the "Click here” link in the modal)
Click on Connect to establish OneDrive connection with the details
OneDrive and NetDocuments can be synchronized to allow users to seamlessly manage files and folders across both platforms. Users can sync files and folders in real time, ensuring that any change such as File updates, renaming, deleting, or adding new files/folder are immediately reflected in both systems. This integration enhances collaboration and ensures that users always have access to the latest versions of their documents.
Sync Admin/Global Admin Users can create the following sync job types in the NetDocShare Sync Admin Portal:
The sync frequency interval is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring timely syncing of the updates.
The minimum value should be 30 sec
Custom column mapping values are synchronized along with Documents in OneDrive and NetDocumnets based on the sync type
If there are any changes in metadata values, they should be synchronized at specified frequency intervals in OneDrive and NetDocuments based on the sync type
Note: Only text, number, note, and Date Time data type columns are supported
Move File – This feature is only applicable for the OneDrive to NetDocuments sync process. This option will permanently move a document or folder from OneDrive to NetDocuments based on the selected Move options
After the move, the file is removed from OneDrive and replaced with the NetDocuments file link
After the move, the file is removed from the OneDrive location and effectively moved to the NetDocuments location
The value of OneDrive documents created by users should sync to the NetDocuments Created by and Modified By properties if the OneDrive documents are created by users who have access to the NetDocuments source. Otherwise, the NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created By and Modified By properties
The value of OneDrive documents created and Modified values should sync to the NetDocuments Created and Date modified properties values if user select the Update time stamp as Yes
NetDocuments service user account will be captured in the Created By and Modified By properties The NetDocuments Created and Date Modified property values should be captured as the syncing file date
Copy Doc Links – This feature is only applicable for the NetDocuments to OneDrive sync process. It syncs the NetDocuments document links instead of the actual NetDocuments documents
This feature is crucial for document management, helping to prevent discrepancies between OneDrive and NetDocuments synced documents and folders, and ensuring that deleted items remain inaccessible in other synced locations. If a user deletes files or folders from the source, they are automatically deleted from the synced destination location
The process of changing the name of a file/folder in OneDrive/NetDocuments location and ensuring that this change is reflected across all synchronized location
Check-in and Check-out states are essential for maintaining documents, especially in collaborative environments where multiple users interact with shared documents.
Synchronization reflects the current checkout status of the file
Click “Create Job” on the left side panel or Click Add on Right Side Panel
The Create Job Page will be displayed
The following fields are displayed on the Create job page:
Once the sync job is created and a success message is displayed, the page should redirect to the Scheduled Job screen, where the Sync/Global admin user can create, edit, and delete existing jobs.
As a user can copy a single document or multiple documents or folders from one NetDocuments Cabinet location to another Other Cabinet Location or Same Cabinet Location
Select the Sync type as Copy NetDocuments to NetDocuments
Select the Source location Cabinet
Select the Workspace from Source location
Select the Files and folder
Select the destination folder where you want to copy the document or folder.
Click Save
The document is copied to the new location.
As a user can Move a single document or multiple documents or folders from one NetDocuments location to another on NetDocuments Location
Select the Sync type as Move NetDocuments to NetDocuments
Select the Source location Cabinet
Select the Workspace from Source location
Select the Files and folder
Select the destination folder where you want to Move the document or folder.
Click Save
Document is moved to the new location.
Users – Global Admin, (ask for Client ID and Client Secret from respective System Admins).
SSO– Enable or Disable the SSO Login
NetDocuments Repository Id- Entered the NetDocuments Repository Id
Microsoft Client ID – Enter the Microsoft client Id
Microsoft Secret Key – Enter the Microsoft client secret
Network Share Connection Settings
In the Connection Settings Add popup, users can enter inputs based on the respective data.
All field information should be mandatory for creating a setting.
After filling in the data in the respective inputs, the Connect button will be enabled.
When users click the 'Connect' button, the provided information undergoes validation. Once the information is successfully validated, it is updated in the Network Share Connection Settings list.
Users can view the Edit and Delete icons in the respective connection settings listed.
The Edit button is always enabled.
When the user clicks the 'Edit' button, a connection setting popup will appear with the existing data, excluding the 'Password' value. (For security reasons, the existing password data is not populated.)
If the respective connection setting has been assigned any one of the sync, the “Delete” button is disabled or it’s in enabled.
When the user clicks the 'Delete' button, a connection setting deletion confirmation will appear.
Click “Yes” to proceed with deleting the connection setting record from the list.
"Click 'No' to cancel the deletion request.
netDocShare Sync Jobs
Users can be able to view the Network Share drop down menu, if the Network Share related sync job has been selected from the admin application.
Create Job
In the sync type dropdown, users can view the following job types: Bidirectional (NetworkShare to NetDocuments), NetDocuments to NetworkShare, and NetworkShare to NetDocuments, provided a Network Share-related sync job has been selected in the admin application.
In the Network Share Connection dropdown menu, users can view the list of Network Share connection settings, provided they have already been updated in the Network Share connection settings list.
After selecting the Network Share connection, users can view the root level of folders and files in the respective Network Share setting.
Users can be able to Save the sync job setting using the “Save” Button.
The Save button will be enabled once the sync data validation is successfully completed.
Files and folders on the Network Share side are in a disabled state if a container on the NetDocuments side has not been selected.